Asthma action plan Click on the image or the button to download the Asthma Action Plan Promomats Code: CC-8702.
Plan de acción Haz click en la imagen o en el botón para descargar el Plan de Acción: Código Promomats: CC-8702.
Reflux symptoms Most common 4 Pyrosis or acidity Acid regurgitation Difficulty swallowing Feeling mass in the stomach Pain in the upper stomach, chest or neck Persistent vomiting Other less common symptoms 4 Repeated sinusitis Sore throat or hoarseness Chronic cough Otitis media to repetition Laryngitis Asthma Dental erosions References: 4.
Foods recommended and not recommended for reflux patients Recommended foods 6 Juices and drinks Apple, grape, pear and apricot juices, drink mixtures (sugar-free) and fruit teas (not mint).
Diabetes: Medication and Treatment There are multiple options for treating diabetes that can help control blood sugar levels.
How can I take control of my cholesterol? By changing some behaviors in our life, we can prevent the increase of LDL in our blood.
Cholesterol Cholesterol is a waxy, fatty substance that is necessary for the body to build cells, but too much can become a problem.